All you wanted to know about wisdom teeth

We have heard of premolars, molars, incisors, and canines. What are wisdom teeth? They are also molars, if one is talking about the type of tooth, the third and final set of molars that erupt out of the gum only in late teens or even later. As they come out quite late when all the other teeth and the gum are fully established in the mouth, they tend to stir things up a bit when they appear. Wisdom teeth can be an asset for a mouth when they are healthy and in proper position, they are very strong and provide good chewing capability. Sadly, more often than not, their appearance causes problems, to the gum and the other teeth. That is why dentists often recommend that they be removed, even as they are appearing above the gum line.

How can wisdom teeth become misaligned?

We are used to seeing misaligned teeth, in our own mouth, or in someone else’s. However, the degree to which wisdom teeth can be misaligned is quite remarkable. They can even erupt horizontally, or they can be angled towards or away from the neighboring molars. This often causes crowding of teeth and can damage neighboring teeth, the jawbone, and even associated nerves.

What is an impacted wisdom tooth?

This happens when they are enclosed by the gums or the jawbone or come out of the gums only partially. This partial eruption allows bacteria to come around the tooth and cause an infection. Acute pain, stiffness of the jaws, and swelling are symptoms of an impacted tooth. Partial eruption also results in accelerated decay and eventually gum disease, as it is difficult to brush or floss the tooth in that position.

How do you know if you have a wisdom tooth?

Your Greensboro dentist can check your teeth and inform you. X-rays are needed to monitor the presence and the alignment of the wisdom teeth.

Our Address

Steven L. Hatcher, DDS PA
Triad Dentistry
2516 – A Oakcrest Avenue,
Greensboro, NC 27408


Working Hours:

Monday – Thursday :
8.00 am – 5.00 pm

Have you discovered all the hidden services your dentist in Greensboro offers?

Even if you visit your dentist in Greensboro regularly, you may still be missing out on many of the valuable services your dentist can offer. Many dentists don’t like to make their patients feel like they are nagging or pushing services on them, so they may not offer many of these things until you ask.

Q: Did you know that your dentist can help your smile look better?
One of the most common ways that many dentists today can help your smile is by offering cosmetic services to improve its appearance. A significant part of dentistry is keeping your smile looking and feeling its best, and cosmetic services can help achieve this goal. If you talk to your dentist about any way you would like to improve your smile, he or she is likely to offer you a number of different services you can choose from.

Q: Did you know that your dentist can look for signs of other health problems?
Another hidden service that most dentists offer that many patients are unaware of is testing for other health problems. Most dentists do some screening for oral cancer and will notice any signs of it in a routine dental examination, but some may offer more extensive testing. Some dentists can also notice signs of problems like diabetes and osteoporosis in your mouth as well as any signs of malnutrition and advise you to inform your general doctor.

Q: When was the last time you asked your dentist about the health of your teeth?
Something else that some dental patients may not realize is that their dentists may not want to nag them about their dental care habits. As a results, you may find that you have been brushing your teeth or flossing incorrectly and your teeth may be suffering as a result. If you ask your dentist about the state of your teeth, he or she may be able to offer you some helpful tips or warn you about problem areas.

Ask your dentist in Greensboro about any other available services that could help you.

For more information visit: Dentist Greensboro.

Our Address
Steven L. Hatcher, DDS PA
Triad Dentistry
2516 – A Oakcrest Avenue,
Greensboro, NC 27408

Phone: (336) 383-1482
Fax: (336) 282-2437

Office Hours:
Monday : 8.00am to 5.00pm
Tuesday : 8.00am to 5.00pm
Wednesday : 8.00am to 5.00pm
Thursday : 8.00am to 5.00pm